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Bump In the Front and Back!

Hey everyone! So I have noticed that as the weeks go by and I start to get bigger, I learn to adjust my workout routines more and more. Be sure no matter what stage you are in (pregnant or not) you are taking the time to warm-up, rest in between sets, and stretch! Even though my bump in the front continues to grow, I still have to work on my bump in the back! 😉

This is a short routine that I put together that focuses on the glute and hamstring muscles. It also has some High intensity movements to keep the heart rate going and the calories burning. Try it out and let me know what you think! Be sure to have plenty of water with you before you start!


  • Stairmaster 20min pace 6

  • Stretch 15 min


  • Wide stance Leg Press (toes angled out towards the corners to target the back of the legs) 4 sets of 20

  • In between each leg press set Split Squat jumps 30x

  • Using the cable and a rope sit in a squat position and take 8-10 steps back and 10 steps forward. (as shown in video).

  • In between each rope squat exercise using the cable and a bar perform a wide stance RDL. 20x

  • Take a 10lb plate or kettlebell and perform a side lunge keeping the weight centered and the opposite leg straight and returning back to the center. If you want you can throw in a shoulder raise like I have in video. 20x each leg; 4 sets.

  • Sit in squat position take your 10lb weight and push out forward and then up over head counting this as 1 rep. 4 sets of 20x.


  • Walk on treadmill at incline of 10-15 (where you feel is comfortable) for 20 min at speed 3-3.5mph.

  • Stretch again 15min.

Thank you guys! I hope you enjoy it!

~ Mama Rocki ❤️

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