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Third Trimester Already!?

"But what am I going to wear now?!"

This week I officially hit my third trimester of pregnancy! I can't believe it! Where has the time gone? These first 27 weeks have passed by so fast and I know the last 13 weeks are going to go by even faster. I am still working two jobs and working out everyday and continuing to make the right adjustments. I am however, getting more and more tired. It hits me out of nowhere. The exhaustion that comes with creating life is NO joke. But I just keep trucking along. Although I only have 13 weeks to go, I still have SO much to do! I feel like time is moving so much faster than I am and I already can not keep up lol. I can only imagine when baby D gets here how fast time will go.

Now I know every pregnancy is very different and every mom is different. With that being said I also know we all have trouble sometimes or all the time deciding what to wear! I have heard several times, from different moms giving me advice, NOT to go spend a lot of money on maternity clothes! The stores at the malls are cute but can get pretty pricey! I completely agree with this advice! Don't go spend a lot of money on maternity clothes, go to ROSS!

I was so surprised when I discovered maternity clothes at a local Ross department store. I have bought a good amount of maternity items from there because they actually have a designated maternity section! They are very comfy and so cost friendly. I also found some inexpensive maternity clothes at Target! They have a really cute section of maternity clothes and maternity workout clothes!

I figure investing in some maternity items I KNOW are going to fit me better than other regular clothes is okay since I am getting such a great deal on them! Also this isn't the last kid I am having and so now I will have my own maternity section in my closet lol!

Now since I don't just want to buy a bunch of maternity clothes, I also started looking for dresses similar to the one I am wearing in the photo below. They are long and comfy and NOT maternity priced! I just know that trying clothes on is a must! Not only to make sure they fit over this oversized basketball I have but also for comfort when you start moving around!

Anyway you look at it I've just come to realize that comfort is key! But there is nothing wrong with being cute and comfortable at the same time! When you look good, you feel good! 😊 (Even on those rough pregnancies days it helps lol).

Have a great day!

~Mama Rocki ❤️

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